How To Fix Instagram Story Not Uploading on iPhone & Android


Struggling to upload your latest Instagram story can be frustrating, whether you're using an iPhone or an Android device. Fortunately, resolving this common issue is often simpler than you might think. This guide will walk you through several troubleshooting steps, from checking your internet connection to reinstalling the Instagram app, aimed at getting your story up and visible to your followers in no time. With easy-to-follow solutions, you'll find the right fix to continue sharing your moments seamlessly on Instagram.

Checking Your Internet Connection for Instagram Uploads

Having trouble uploading to Instagram? Start by checking your internet connection to ensure it's strong and stable. Here's how:

  1. Use a Network Testing Site: Open a web browser on your device and visit a reliable network testing site like

  2. Run the Test: Tap the "Go" button on the site to initiate the speed test. This will measure your connection's download and upload speeds, indicating whether your internet is functioning optimally for activities like uploading Instagram stories.

verify network connection

Verify Network Connection Speed

Restart the Instagram App

A quick restart of the Instagram app can fix many upload issues. Follow these steps:

  1. On iPhone: Swipe up from the bottom edge of your screen (or double-click the home button on older models) to reveal the app switcher. Find Instagram and swipe it up to close.

  2. Reopen Instagram: After closing, reopen the Instagram app to see if the upload issue has been resolved.

restart instagram

Swipe up on the Instagram app in your app switcher

Switching Between Instagram Accounts

If you're still experiencing issues with uploading, try switching accounts:

  1. Switch Accounts: If you have access to another Instagram account, try switching to it. This can help identify whether the problem is isolated to a single account or is a broader issue with the app.

  2. Determine the Issue: Successfully uploading a story from a different account suggests the problem might be specific to your primary account, necessitating further investigation or support from Instagram.

Restarting Your Mobile Device to Solve Instagram Issues

Experiencing persistent upload problems on Instagram? A device restart might just be the remedy you need. Here's a simplified guide:

For iPhone Users:

  1. Initiate Restart: Quickly press and release the volume up button, then the volume down button. Next, press and hold the power button until the power-off slider appears.

  2. Power Off: Swipe the slider to turn off your iPhone. Wait for about a minute.

  3. Turn Back On: Press and hold the power button again until the Apple logo appears, signaling the restart is underway.

This method can help eliminate temporary software bugs affecting Instagram's performance.

restart device

Restart your mobile device

How to Reinstall the Instagram App for a Fresh Start

If restarting doesn't resolve your Instagram woes, reinstalling the app may do the trick:

  1. Uninstall Instagram: On your device, press and hold the Instagram icon. Tap 'Remove App' followed by 'Delete App' to uninstall.

  2. Reinstall the App: Navigate to the App Store (for iPhone users) or Google Play Store (for Android users). Search for Instagram and hit 'Install' to download it anew.

Reinstalling Instagram refreshes its data on your device, potentially clearing up any lingering technical issues preventing story uploads.

delete instagram

Delete and reinstall the Instagram app

Checking Instagram Server Status for Outages

If switching devices doesn't solve the upload dilemma, Instagram's servers might be experiencing difficulties:

  1. Check Server Status: Head to Down Detector to verify Instagram’s server status, which offers insights into current outages and real-time user reports.

  2. Identify Outages: A surge in outage reports on such platforms suggests Instagram faces technical issues, and patience is required until services are restored.

By following these steps, you can determine whether the issue with uploading Instagram stories stems from your device or broader server-related problems, guiding your next steps toward a solution.

instagram server outages

Verify Instagram server status

  • Upload issues can stem from weak internet connections, app glitches, device-specific problems, or even Instagram server outages. Start by checking your internet speed and restarting the app.

  • Visit a network testing site like using a web browser to check your connection speed. A slow or unstable connection might hinder uploads to Instagram.

  • Try restarting your device or uninstalling and then reinstalling the Instagram app. This can often resolve hidden glitches affecting app performance.

  • Yes, logging into your Instagram account on a different device and attempting to upload a story can help identify if the issue is device-specific.

  • Search for "Instagram server status" in a web browser. Websites like Downdetector provide real-time outage reports and user feedback, indicating if there's a widespread problem with Instagram.


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