How To Turn On Two Factor Authentication in Fortnite - Complete Guide


Securing your Fortnite account is crucial, and enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) is a smart move. 2FA adds an extra security layer by requiring a code from your phone, email, or authenticator app during sign-ins. This guide will walk you through the simple steps to activate 2FA in Fortnite, ensuring that even if someone knows your password, they can't access your account without the code. From selecting the 2FA method that suits you best to finalizing the setup, this tutorial is designed to make your Fortnite experience safer and more secure. Protect your Epic Games account today and enjoy a worry-free gaming session!

How to Enable Two-Factor Authentication in Fortnite

Securing Your Fortnite Account with 2FA:

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a vital security feature for your Epic Games account, providing an additional layer of protection. When 2FA is activated, you'll need to enter a unique code, received via phone, email, or authenticator app, to access Fortnite and other Epic Games services. This ensures that even if someone discovers your password, they can't log into your account without this code.

Steps to Activate 2FA in Fortnite:

  1. Open Epic Games Launcher: Start the Epic Games launcher on your PC.

  2. Access Account Settings: Click on your profile icon located at the top-right corner of the screen.

  3. Navigate to Account Settings: In the drop-down menu, select 'Account'. This action redirects you to Epic Games’ Online Account settings in your web browser.

epic games account settings

Epic Games > Account Settings

Setting Up Two-Factor Authentication on Epic Games Account

Activating Enhanced Security for Fortnite and Other Games:

Securing your Epic Games account, including Fortnite, is essential for safe gaming. Two-factor authentication (2FA) offers robust protection against unauthorized access.

How to Enable 2FA:

  1. Navigate to Password and Security Settings: In your Epic Games account settings, located on the left panel, select 'Password and Security'.

  2. Scroll to 2FA Options: On this page, you'll find the 'Two-factor authentication' section.

  3. Choose Your Preferred 2FA Method: There are three methods to enable 2FA:

    • Authenticator App: Use an app like Google Authenticator or Authy.

    • Email Verification: Receive a code via your registered email address.

    • SMS Verification: Get a code sent to your mobile phone.

Confirming Identity on Future Logins:

After setting up 2FA, each login attempt to games like Fortnite will require verification through the chosen method, ensuring that only you can access your account.

set up 2fa

Set up Two-Factor Authentication for your Epic Games account

  • Two-factor authentication (2FA) in Fortnite is a security feature that adds an additional layer of protection by requiring a verification code during login.

  • Access your Epic Games account settings, navigate to 'Password and Security', and choose your preferred 2FA method: Authenticator App, Email, or SMS.

  • While not mandatory, enabling 2FA is highly recommended for enhanced security and protection against unauthorized access.

  • Yes, once enabled, 2FA applies to all games and services associated with your Epic Games account.

  • Check your spam folder for email codes. For app or SMS, ensure the app is updated or your phone number is correct. Contact support if issues persist.


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