How To Block Friends From Seeing Your WhatsApp Status


In today's digital age, maintaining privacy on social media platforms is more important than ever. If you're looking to keep certain aspects of your life private, such as your WhatsApp status updates, from some friends, this guide is for you. We'll walk you through the simple steps to manage who gets a glimpse into your personal moments on WhatsApp, ensuring your privacy is safeguarded. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned user, these tips will help you control your social circles with ease.

Enhancing Privacy on WhatsApp: Controlling Status Visibility

Understanding WhatsApp Privacy Settings

In the age of digital communication, safeguarding your privacy on apps like WhatsApp is crucial. WhatsApp, a leading messaging app used by millions globally, prioritizes user privacy with several customizable features. One such feature is the ability to control who sees your status updates, ensuring you share personal moments only with those you choose.

Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Status Privacy

  1. Open WhatsApp: Start by unlocking your smartphone and launching the WhatsApp application.

  2. Access Status Privacy: Navigate to the "Status" tab, typically found at the bottom or top of your screen depending on your device. Look for three vertical dots or a settings icon in the top right corner and tap it to open the 'Status Privacy' settings.

whatsapp status privacy

Access your Status Privacy settings in WhatsApp

Customizing Your Status Visibility

Within the 'Status Privacy' menu, WhatsApp offers various options to tailor who can see your status updates:

  • Default Setting – My Contacts: This setting allows all your contacts to view your status updates, ideal for those who don't mind sharing their life's snippets with everyone in their address book.

  • Selective Sharing – My Contacts Except...: For more privacy, use the 'My Contacts Except...' option. Here, you can exclude specific contacts from viewing your status updates. For example, you might want to share a status about a surprise party without letting the guest of honor see it, or perhaps there are professional contacts with whom you prefer not to share personal updates.

status privacy settings

Status Privacy Settings > My Contacts Except…

Fine-Tuning Your WhatsApp Status Privacy

How to Selectively Share Your WhatsApp Status

Once you've decided to refine your audience with the 'My Contacts Except...' option, WhatsApp presents you with your entire contact list. This is where you can carefully pick and choose who gets the privilege to see your status updates and who doesn't.

Choosing Your Audience Step by Step

  1. Review Your Contacts: A list of all your WhatsApp contacts will be displayed. Slowly scroll through this list to review each contact.

  2. Make Your Selections: Think about who you want to share your daily moments or special announcements with. For instance, you might decide to share a family gathering update with close relatives but choose to exclude your work colleagues or acquaintances.

  3. Confirm Your Choices: After selecting the contacts you want to exclude from viewing your status, hit the 'Done' button to lock in your privacy settings.

The Impact of Your Selection

By carefully selecting who can view your status, you create a more controlled and intimate sharing environment. This ensures that sensitive or personal moments are only visible to a select group of people, like family and close friends, rather than everyone in your contact list. This feature is particularly useful for:

  • Personal Events: Sharing updates about personal milestones or family events without broadcasting to professional contacts.

  • Sensitive Content: Posting content that may be sensitive or private, ensuring it's only seen by those you trust.

  • Selective Sharing: Keeping your social circles distinct by managing what each group can see, such as separating work, family, and friends.

Conclusion: Mastering WhatsApp Privacy

Leveraging WhatsApp's 'My Contacts Except...' feature empowers you to manage your digital footprint with precision. It's an essential tool for anyone looking to maintain privacy while still enjoying the social benefits of the platform. With a few simple taps, you can ensure your WhatsApp status reflects your desired level of privacy, making your social media experience both enjoyable and secure.

choose contacts

Choose contacts to exclude from seeing your status updates

  • To hide your WhatsApp status from specific contacts, open WhatsApp, go to the Status tab, tap on the three dots for settings, and select 'Status Privacy'. Choose 'My Contacts Except...' and then pick the contacts you wish to exclude. Confirm by tapping 'Done’.

  • No, contacts you exclude after updating your privacy settings will not be able to see any of your future status updates. However, changes made after a status is posted will not affect that status.

  • Yes, you can share your WhatsApp status with only one person by selecting the 'Only Share With...' option in the 'Status Privacy' settings, then choosing the specific contact you want to share your status with.

  • WhatsApp does not notify users when they've been excluded from seeing someone's status. If you can't see updates from someone who frequently posts, it's possible you've been excluded.

  • Yes, you can adjust your privacy settings before posting each status update. However, the setting you choose will apply to all future statuses until you change it again.


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